Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung, cherry blossoms are in bloom (quite a lovely sight). The chirping of birds in love has filled the air (though at 5 a.m. the chirping makes you want to shove them in a blender). During this time of the year a man's mind turns to love (vice the lust it's stuck in during the other 3 seasons). Around me I see many young males vying to attract the attention of the fairer sex (some of them eerily reminiscent of Pepe Le Pew in their approach).

Hmmm... What do I look for in a mate? I know that the answer has changed and will probably will change again over my life (I am curious to see if I will be affected by the standard "Mid-life crisis", where I will be forced to buy a red sports car and pick up eighteen year olds.). For right now, the traits that pique my amorous attentions are:

Sense of humor

(and for some reason, the ability to handle a sword. One of the local women showed me a kata she learned in Kendo, and since then I have become a babbling idiot around her)

Love may be a many splendored thing, but at times it is damned annoying.

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