Monday, April 03, 2006

And people vote for these idiots...

Rep. Cynthia McKinney D-GA
from Foxnews
from WSBTV
from CNN

I am quite disgusted that this woman is from GA. She hit a police officer who was doing his job, personally she should feel lucky that she is not in jail. Ms. Mckinney says she was stopped because she was black congresswoman, and that the officer should have recognized her face. If he did not recognize her face how could he know she was a congresswoman? A congresswoman who misappropriated funds to fly Issac Hayes to GA to dedicate a building (not related, but still complete B.S.)

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

from world net daily
Oh my God... I don't know where to begin on this one. It is rare that something actually leaves me dumbfounded, but there it is.

These are just two of the myriad of reasons there needs to be a term limit for all politicians (not even mentioning Kennedy, Clinton, Delay, ect.) The problem is not limited to one party (stupidity crosses party lines), these two just stood out.

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