Sunday, April 09, 2006

The field

We face our opponets. Nerves on edge, hearts racing, waiting for the game to start. "3..2..1..Go,Go,GO!" screams the referee. Muscle memory takes over, I stride forward laying down blistering cover fire as my team mates move to their positions. The world outside the netting disappears, and the universe inside of it slows down as adrenalin floods my bloodstream. Ducking behind the closest bunker, I grab a pod from my pack and refill my hopper. "Advancing left!" screams my backman. I pop out of the left side of my bunker firing, catching the runner as he tries to make the 50.
That little voice screams in the back of my head. Throwing myself backwards I narrowly avoid a stream of paint. I return a quick burst, fingers making a staccato beat on my trigger, I see his hand go him. "That's game" signals the referee. Grinning under my mask as I walk off the field, I feel my body tremble as the world returns to normal. I love this game.

I finally got to play yesterday (have not gotten to play since August), so my addiction is in full swing again.

The paintball mentality is a unique one. They accept any one regardless, even if you don't play the game. With everything else you get some bad eggs (the ones that do stupid and dangerous things), they are usually shunned by the rest of the community. Paintballers don't like anybody or thing that makes their sport look bad. If you put 2 or more together in a room who have never met, they will greet each other like old friends and spend hours in frantic conversation. If you are in that room you will hear such phrases as "Man I put a stiffi on my cocker." "I got my balls all over his face." and "I rushed up behind him and bunkered his ass.", these sayings have absolutely nothing to do with sex.

And as per request here is a pic of me in my funky tiger shirt.


Mia said...

Yes that is ummmm "funky" ~grin~

Seven Seas said...

Don't knock the tiger shirt :P

Mia said...

Never ever!! ~grin~