Thursday, April 27, 2006

Busy day

Today has been a pleasant day. Sun shining, nice breeze, and busy enough to make the work day pass quickly. I was going to write a rant on the childishness of politicians, but it is just too nice of a day to get riled up.

Yesterday saw a sight that sang to every ounce of my maleness. On the way home I pass a convention center. Yesterday they had set up big ramps and obstacles, big armored rescue vehicles were being put through their paces as scantily clad women danced around the edge of the track. There was even a fire fighting helicopter outfitted with some kind of FLIR. I have no idea what was going on, but pretty much all of the testosterone in my body was supercharged. I brought my camera to work today, just in case it is still there today.


Mia said...

and was it?

Seven Seas said...

unfourtuneatly it was not :(. Murphey's law of photography strikes again "When you really need a camera, there is not one to be found."