Monday, April 10, 2006

A brighter.....

Reading Mia she pointed to page in wikipedia that had a link to this. Being a slow day at work I clicked.

I can honestly say I have never looked in the mirror (or for that particular angle, a couple of mirrors) and said "You know my anus just isn't as white as it could be.". I know that there are offices everywhere that can bleach your teeth, maybe this is the new big craze. Perhaps could even combine the services, offer package deals "Make both ends whiter in 15 minutes or your money back."


Mia said...


Where you go after a Brazilian waxing is alllllllll down to you my dear!

You could have followed a link to




or even

mons pubis

but no ........

Seven Seas said...

Yeah, but those links did not arouse curisoty, and were much less funny.

Madame Chiang said...

I was going to say....that's a long, long way from Brazil...