Thursday, April 20, 2006

Another stolen Idea

Stole this from Madame Chiang and her discussion on the contents on one's book shelf.

From my book shelf you would probably see that I am pretty random. Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Confucius, Lao-tzu, and Sun Tzu are some of the big names. Photography, martial arts, eastern philosophy, and travel are my passions. A surprising amount of Sci-fi and fantasy. The U.S. Civil War, and the Pacific Theater in WW2 pique my interest. Some work related books on electronics, and aeronautics.

Condition of the books
My books vary in condition, some of my Terry Prachett books have been read so many times they are in rather delicate shape. Others like the ones on foreign language (I have no talent in learning languages, I try but just can't stay interested) look brand new.

Arrangement of the books
Like the good Madame my bookshelf is rather haphazard. About the only books that are in order belong to the Harry Potter box set, everything else is placed as they are read. Right now the Tao Te Ching is sandwiched between a street guide to Barcelona and Terry Prachett's "The Colour of Magic". Before coming to South Korea I had to put the majority of my books into storage, so now my library is a pale shadow of it's former self.


Mia said...

The expats lament, the books we left in storage.

Madame Chiang said...

I couldn't agree more...I have about 2000 books in storage around the UK....just awful!