Saturday, April 22, 2006

A fat, loud, jerk.

Nope, not talking about myself. I just watched "Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore. Why it was on here in Korea I will never know. Personally it think it portrays all Americans as idiots. Granted the U.S. has it's fair share if idiots, but they seem to be evenly dispersed over the world. In one portion he blamed Lockheed Martin for Columbine.

Basically the whole "documentary" is him blaming firearms, the media, and the republican party for what happened in Columbine and the downfall of society. This is accomplished by interviewing some of the stupidest people he can find (folks that should not be allowed to breed, let alone own a firearm), one of whom grabbed a loaded revolver from under his pillow, cocked it, and held it to his own temple for fun. From there he asked Canadians why their crime rate was so much lower than the U.S.'s (33 million Canadians vs 289 million Americans, who do you think has a higher crime rate?). Proceeding he turned his attention to the media, and blamed the whole "If it bleeds it leads" mentality for making people afraid of their neighbors (OK, so he hit the nail on the head with that one), and racism.

Michel Moore, in my opinion, is a hack. He looks so hard to find someone to blame for problems and offers no solutions. If someone commits a crime hold them responsible for their actions. If something is wrong with society offer solutions, don't just point and yell "It's all their fault!!".

Like I said, just my opinion.

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