Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weekend lessons

Came to some conclusions this weekend.

Kahlula goes really good with hot chocolate (Swiss Miss with a happy ending?)

Jagermister does not go good with anything.

Malibu rum mixed with orange juice and young berry (looks kind of like a raspberry, with a less tart taste) juice is killer.

Having bad luck at drinking games may not always be a bad thing, but is always funny.

No matter how badly I dance (and I dance pretty badly), I am still a better dancer than 90% of the local Korean male population.

The Japanese movie industry is pretty twisted (watched Battle royal, and Battle royal 2).

If it is 98 degrees and 300% humidity stay inside (it was too hot for the beggars to come out yesterday)

Scorpy has wrote some rules that ALL single men should read and heed.

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