Saturday, July 01, 2006

Recovery day

Taking today to recover abit. Been a very busy weekend. Started Friday night, drinking and dancing (for there to be dancing, I have to be pretty drunk)this concluded with me staggering in about 4 in the morning. Saturday started a bit slower. Was supposed to go to a cookout, that got rained out so a group of us went and saw the new Superman movie. From there it was off to the bars. Yesterday was Canada day, since most of the folks I hang out with are Canadian you can guess how the bars went. Staggering in about 5 this morning, I was woken up by a phone call giving me some very good news... I have a new niece.

Alayna Rose Young, born on July 1st (gives me a reason to celebrate on Canada day) weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces. Can't wait till my home leave in August, when I get to see my new niece. 2 nieces in 2 years I gotta start buying loud battery powered toys to give out, or drum sets. I feel that it is every brother's right to torture his siblings by giving their children such gifts (If you want nice get a puppy).


Mia said...

Congrats Uncle Seven!!

Yes loud toys are always usefull, esp when one lives a long long way away!

ChickyBabe said...


I know the feeling. I gave a friend's child a set of drums just to annoy his father! Well, he deserve it! :P

Seven Seas said...

Yep, leave it to family to ruin your alter-ego. Bet Superman never had this problem :)

primal said...


Seven Seas said...

And that is why superman works alone :p