Thursday, July 20, 2006

My views on the middle east "crisis"

Well pretty much anyone, that has contact with any sort of media, has been bombarded with the whole Israel, Lebanon, Gaza stip. Now watching the media coverage is quite funny, Israel this and Israel that, quite a bias there. So now I will jump on the band-wagon and share my views of this situation.

Israel was attacked (militants crossed the border killed and kidnapped their citizens), after giving up Gaza, and after long since leaving Lebanon. In any light this is a act of war (not to mention the Hezbollah leader declaring war on Israel, and the constant claims that they will wipe Israel from the face of the earth). Israel tried to make nice by leaving Gaza, and look what it got them. Well as the old saying goes "Mess with the bull, get the horns.".

Now, you would think that the international community would side with the party that was attacked. This is not the case, Russia condemned Israel for defending herself (let's see, two weeks ago Russian special forces were sent to Iraq with orders to Kill those responsible for the attacks on their dignitaries. Kinda takes the high moral ground away from their condemnation.). The U.N. has displayed outrage and dismay at Israel. What about the outrage towards the the original Hezbollah or Hamas? Sorry, I can't feel sorry for folks who sucker punch someone then cry when they get hit back.

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