Monday, July 17, 2006

Way to treat a veteran...

This story has me pretty steamed. A soldier goes to Afghanistan, and returns to be told that he should have been at his job instead on the battlefield. There is a federal law protecting soldiers' jobs. The National School Boards Association also has a article proclaiming the same protection. Thanks to Blonde Sagacity.
I really wish I could write more about this, but I am at a loss for words.

1 comment:

Seven Seas said...

They don't take your words away, you voluntarily relinquish certian rights when you join. Having served in the military I am quite familiar with this. As for hypocrisy in challenging orders, you take a oath to follow all lawful orders of the ranks above you. Every service member has the right and responsibility to refuse any "unlawful" order, as per the Uniform Code of Military Justice. What has me at a loss of words about this article, is how badly this veteran is treated.