Monday, July 09, 2007


Bit of a random day today, my mind is pinging all over the place. The rainy day outside has me bored and restless, not a good mood to be in at work. Some randomness of the day so far:

If I can not tell you some information because it will violate a contract, asking the guy beside me will net you the same answer.

The creator of the cell phone will be both loved and despised throughout history.

Subjecting your coworkers to the smell of Corn nuts in a small office should be punishable by a severe beating. Loudly crunching them and smacking you lips while you eat said snack food, should be grounds for a violent painful death.

It costs nothing to be polite. When a engineer flies across the world to help you, and after 2 minutes of conversation you make a comment about her chest is not a good way to keep goodwill up and running. This also has the added effect of making the large technician beside her irate (yours truly), and can involve very pointed words when she is out of earshot.

Why are the stupid ones always put in to management positions?

Lunch really needs to hurry up and get here.

1 comment:

ChickyBabe said...

Corn nut crunchers should be given the same fate as pen clickers and keyboard bashers. Death by their own vice.

A slight correction... why are the stupid ones always put in senior management positions?