Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yet more randomness

I just saw a can of Coke that had instructions on how to use the pop top. I'm not the smartest person on earth, but damn.

Why is it that people who call others fascists, are the first to try and stop any view that is opposed to their own?

Did they really need to make a "Fast and the Furious 3"? Wasn't the first two installments enough of this tripe?

WWJD for a Klondike bar? (Thanks tshirthell.com)

Why do women ask you "Why can't I find a nice guy like you?" and then go for the asshole? (just a tip, I am a guy like me)

Life isn't fair. Why do people whine and cry about this, instead of working to overcome it?

If you have nothing that you would die for, do you have anything to live for?


ChickyBabe said...

Why do women ask you "Why can't I find a nice guy like you?" and then go for the asshole?
Because they have placed you in the 'just friends' zone and it's very hard to get out of it.

Seven Seas said...

Chickybabe- True words, I swear, at times, it sucks being the good guy.