Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why idiots should not see movies

Well, Iran is miffed about the movie 300. What happened to the days when you could go to the movies and enjoy one without some hyper-sensitive jackass claiming that it offends them? Not everything is a political/cultural/racist/sexist/whatever statement. IT'S A MOVIE!!! No hidden agendas (according to the creators), no political jab at anyone, no slight on any one's culture.

"The movie has fabricated the history," the IRNA news agency said. Maybe because it is a MOVIE based off a COMIC BOOK. I am pretty certain Spiderman, Superman, and X-men did a little bit of history fabrication as well (radioactive spider attacks, meteors with babies inside crashing into Kansas, and I'm almost positive the Golden Gate Bridge has not been ripped out of the ocean).

"The film has also been criticized in the United States as a thinly veiled attack on the Bush administration because it allegedly depicts Spartan King Leonidas as waging an illegal war." Again it is from A COMIC BOOK. The Iraqi war started in 2003 (trust me I was there for the kick off), the comic book was released in 1999, do the math. With the exception of couple scenes dealing with the queen trying to get help from the Parliament, the film was pretty much spot on from the comic. (So if anything the film is a thinly veiled attack on democrats for trying to halt support for the soldiers in Iraq)

Quit trying to ruin my fun at movies, get over yourselves and try to enjoy life. Some times a movie is just a movie, now let me enjoy my popcorn.

1 comment:

Scorpy said...

Mate...I couldn't believe the reports coming out of the US and a lot of bloggers etc stating that it was having a go at Bush and War. Someone even went as far as saying that it was the same as Tolkien v Churchill and Hitler...You are right it is JUST a comic lol. Still can't wait to see it it TWO weeks when it opens here