Wednesday, March 14, 2007


One of the biggest things to get used to here, in Korea, is the total lack of sarcasm. This culture just dose not have it, this is truly the most mind boggling thing to me.

Today one of the Koreans saw the empty refrigerator box and asked me if we had a new one. I told him not yet we only got the box today and it will come later. At this point he asked me when it would be delivered.

This is not the first time I have ran into this, but it never fails to amaze me.


Mia said...

Wonder if he would fall for it a second time - perhaps with a pizza box.

Seven Seas said...

Don't know if that will work twice, but....
Yesterday was white day (Korean Valentine's day, where men give candy to women), one of the Koreans I work with asked me if I had bought candy for a girl. I handed him a candy bar, and blew him a kiss. Scared him pretty bad, sometimes lack of sarcasm can be funny as hell.

Mia said...


Scorpy said...

What was that song a few years back? "Here's your sign" lol (Jeff Foxworthy?)

Anonymous said...

(Franken) Seven the candy bar incident. I would have paid to see that. If you want a dose of sarcasm, just shoot me an email. It ain't like a knife fight but it still can sting. :)