Sunday, March 18, 2007

The weekend...

St Patrick's Day has come and passed. Looking like the final tally for folks at my party is 41, not bad turn out. The neighbors are not the happiest, but what can you do? As usual, the next day was time for cleaning and recovery.

Not all Saturday night was fun, there was some drama. At one point (after leaving my place and heading downtown to the normal bars) a friend found out the guy she had been talking to all night was married , so helped her down to a cab and saw her off. While down there, I see a really drunk (almost unconscious) girl sitting on the sidewalk next to the door to the bar. This is someone I had met a couple times, so helped her into a cab and sent here home. At this point the drama starts.
Some guy saw me do it, and comes up all puffed up like a rooster. Apparently he had been spending alot of money to get the girl in that state and was unhappy that I had ruined his chance to have some fun (he stated in much less nice words). I responded with my view of men who need to get women semi-comatose to have a chance of getting laid (also in very non-nice words), and quite frankly was itching for a fight (very unusual for me, but I really hate guys like this). Two of his chums dragged him away before things could get interesting.
So then it's off to grab a quick bite to eat with some friends, after seeing them off I do a quick trip back in the bar to say goodbyes and then head to the house as the morning sun rises.

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