Sunday, January 14, 2007


Recovering from my first attempt at snowboarding, I have many aches (many in places that I can not discuss in a polite post) at the moment. Coming from a part of the U.S. that doesn't get snow, this is not a natural thing to do. Snow should be soft and fluffy, not painful. I will be going back (yep, I'm an idiot)in about a month for more fun pain.


ChickyBabe said...

That reminds me of skiing on my bottom a few years ago... oh the pain... never again!

Hot bath and massage!

Mia said...

Snow IS soft and fluffy when it lands on you. ~smiles~

I sort of miss snow, but not the digging out the car or the slushy 3 day old stuff, no no don't miss that at all.