Monday, September 11, 2006


Well Saturday went off without a hitch. There was much merriment, and libations enjoyed by all. Sunday was quite harsh, I remembered why I don't drink like that any more (last time I was that drunk, I woke up with a large ankh tattoo). Then the clean up, it is surprising how much mess 20 or so people drinking can make of an apartment. Let's see the total consumption for the night was:

1 case of Heinikin beer
2 bottles Malibu rum
1 bottle Jagermister
1 bottle Crown Royal
1/2 bottle Jack Daniels
12 pack Hooch wine coolers
3 Mickey's beer
4 liters of Hite beer
4 bottles Soju
1/2 bottle Absolute vodka
2 Corona beers
and quite a bit of fruit that had been soaked in soju overnight.

Definately gonna stay away from drinking for a while.

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