Thursday, September 07, 2006

Rant time again

You just get sick of it. Politicians, the men and women who are supposed to lead our country (this is probably true in all countries), acting like spoiled children. Toeing the party lines, regardless of what their constituents need or want. I really wish that ALL positions in government had term limits. That would end a lot of the constant "Election time coming up, gotta do something dramatic to get re-elected." mentality.

And while I'm on the subject, and contrary to popular conspiracy theories. The U.S. government was not behind 9/11. It sickens me to no end to see the so called "experts" go on and on. This is why I have basically quit reading/watching the news, the constant bias. In one day I have heard that George Bush is responsible for:

Hurricane Katrina
Rising Gas prices
All terrorism world wide
The Columbine High School shooting
and is involved in a plot to take over the Earth

All of the above also maintained that he had sub average intelligence. Pick either bumbling idiot or evil mastermind, the man can't be both.

On the flip side, ABC is making a docudrama "The road to 9/11". This is not finished , so has not been viewed by anyone. The rumor that it may have a scene critical to the Clinton Administration, has been enough to provoke a outcry. ABC has since changed the scene under veiled threats from the DNC (guess censorship only counts if it comes from the republicans).

I am neither republican or democrat, seeing how I find both parties to be full of idiot extremists. The U.S. needs a viable third party. Sorry if all this comes as a incoherent jumble, but am good and riled up (doesn't make the best mindset for writing).

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