Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Let me ask you a question. You have the choice between two people you care deeply for, either one you will be mutually happy with for a time. One more than likely will end up hurting you, the other you will more than likely end up hurting. Which do you choose?

Do you pick the one that will hurt you, or do you pick the one you will hurt? Choosing neither and hoping it blows over is not a option in this case. Granted there is the chance that no pain will come of either choice, but the chance is slim. A question of morals, do you throw yourself on the sword or do you push another on it?

Nothing to read into on this post, just a question (a melodramatic one, I'll grant you). I know my path on such thing, what is yours?


Mia said...

If there really had to be a choice then I'd go with the first and try and suck every moment of happiness while I could. The idea of causing another pain is not one I could follow.

Madame Chiang said...

I'm with Mia. I have actually avoided certain relationships in the past precisely because I don't want to hurt someone....

primal said...

Never choose to hurt someone else emotionally. You will recover from the pain that is caused to you a lot faster than you will recover from the pain that is caused by you.