Got this meme from
Blonde Sagacity, drawing a blank on anything else to write. Here it goes.
Were you born before the end of the first Gulf war?
Yep, in the roaring 70's. The days of disco and leisure suits (thank God that decade is over)
Childhood nickname?
None really, but I did spend the first 10 years of my life believing that my name was "Goddamnit" (Thanks to Jeff Foxworthy for that one)
Historical person you have the biggest crush on?
Cleopatra, the original femme fatale
Favorite type of candy?
Kinder eggs *drools*
Favorite foreign country?
So many to choose from, I gotta go with Australia
Fish or chicken?
Do you have your own perfume line?
Not as of yet, still working on the title "Low tide by Seven Seas" just doesn't flow.
Have you ever written a children's book?
Once, it was never published. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy entering into a murder/suicide pact, was deemed unsuitable for young children.
Have you been in a movie based on a book?
No, but have watched a good many.
Ever posed nude for a photo?
Yep, but was drunk and/or young and needed the money.
Guiltiest pleasure?
Watching pro wrestling
Your best non-guilty pleasure, then?
Playing Paintball
What are you allergic to?
Basic human stupidity
Worst pickup line you've heard?
Once heard a guy actually use the "You are beautiful, do you have any English in you? No, do you want some?". I applauded as the woman decked him.
Were you bar mitzvahed?
Being born into the Southern Baptist religion, that is highly unlikely.
Have you ever cried during a TV interview?
Not really, have felt moved by a couple, but never cried.
If they made a movie of your life, who would play you?
Bruce Campbell
Pet peeve?
People who have no common courtesy.
If you weren't doing what you do, what job would you like to have?
I would love to be a photographer for National Geographic (or Playboy). Being paid to travel the world and take pictures (or being paid to take pictures of beautiful naked women, either way it's a good thing).
Place you will never be found?
A queers for Islam march (this march actually happened,and that was the actual name [definitely a group who has no clue on Islam's stance on homosexuality])
Why did you participate in this tagging?
I'm egotistical enough to want to hear what I have to say, and needed some filler.