Sunday, March 19, 2006


From Websters
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

I don't get it, to dislike someone because they are different. A friend of mine (Primal Scream) made the statement "Why hate someone because of the color of their skin? Get to know them and you will find much better reasons to hate them." Gotta admit that is true, assholes come in all colors.

I also don't get how racism seems to only go one way. Portland, Maine is resisting the donation of a bronze statue to go outside a baseball stadium because they too many "White folks on pedestals". To me this statement and thought process is racist. By the definition of the word it is racism. To the politically correct crowd it is not. Had the statement been said replacing "white" with "any other race", all hell would have been let loose. Where is the media frenzy, where are the angry mobs calling for legal action and the statement maker to be fired?

The whole don't offend anyone mentality gets on my nerves. When I was in the Persian Gulf during Iraqi Freedom, sailors were told they could no longer write on bombs being dropped. So it is ok to blow someone to componet atoms, but you can not insult them while you do it. Sports teams are put under fire if someone feels their mascot or name is offensive. A soccer team in Texas was forced to change their name from "1836" (the year Texas won independence from Mexico) to the "Dynamos". This was done because someone of Hispanic decent "may" find it offensive. Isn't "Cinco de mayo" the celebration of Mexico getting independence from France? What about all the poor French descended people (sarcasm) ?

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