Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Doing things legally

Anyone watching the Main Steam Media, is inundated with how easy firearms are to get in the US. I would like to know where these revolving door gun shops are, I have yet to see one. It would save me time and money.

While I was home on vacation I started the process of getting my firearms license renewed. Most people who have never gone through the legal process of this probably think it is quick and easy. Those of us who take the time to "Legally" purchase and carry a firearm know the truth. Keep in mind, this is just for the renewal.

It starts off with a visit to the county probate judge, for me this was a half hour drive. After waiting in line you are given a form to fill out, this form is about 10 pages and gives the state permission to do a complete background check on you (also if you enter any false information on the form and it is found, that is a federal offense). You are fingerprinted, and then have to pay a license fee. From there you are sent to the county sheriff's office where you have to fill out another set of forms and pay another license fee, and from there it is to the county jail. At the county jail, there is yet another form and you are finger printed one more time. Total time spent was the better part of the day. As I type this I don't have the license yet since my background check is still being conducted by both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and my state's Bureau of Investigation. You would think that a background check on a veteran, with no legal or mental problems would go quick.

This process varies from state to state, but mine is one of the easier ones to get a license in. I am not complaining about the time or effort, I am quite glad that so much attention is being paid to who will have the option to carry a firearm. I am just fed up with how the media portrays the issue.


The Exception said...

I hear people talking about increased gun control all the time. In my experience, they seem to miss a very significant factor... many of the guns used in crimes are illegal. People do not commit crimes with their own weapon (usually). Removing guns from all citizens may not eliminate the problem because... where there is a will there's a way. Guns and weapons can be found on the streets - they cross the borders. It is an economy that exists beyond the law and regulation.

Seven Seas said...

True true, but that is not the picture that is commonly painted on the television. It's funny that people actually think that crime will disappear if firearms are outlawed, many drugs are illegal but are quite easy to come by.

The Exception said...

Using the government is always an easy answer. People don't stop to consider the results of taking this path over doing the educating,hard work, and taking the time to find an answer that will work long term.

It almost seems like a "quick fix" is the American way.

Seven Seas said...

The "quick fix" was not always the case. America was founded on doing things right. "Doing the job right" has fallen to "Do the job as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings". We get pushed more and more into the "Nanny state" because it's easier to let someone else do your thinking for you.