Sunday, January 27, 2008

Drama magnet

I seem to be a drama magnet, Mia has commented on this many times. Another friend pointed out that my weakness is damsels in distress (or at least the severely damaged ones). With the exception of one (mentioned her more than a few times, and can't wait for her to get back) they may be right I never go looking for it, it just falls into my lap alot. Starting to think my guardian angels are sadists. So on with today's drama (cue soap opera theme).

What they say:
"She knows what she's getting into, we've had this talk. You can't save her, let her fall."
"She's not worth the effort."
"She does not care, why do you?"

I'm not too good at letting people fall, goes against something hard wired in me. I have no problem with people reaping what they sow, but standing by and watching a fall that a person may not recover from. Not sure if I can do that. I care for the same reason I fight, don't seem that anyone else will.

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