Lotta things in the world I just don't get, who knows could just be me.
Conforming to the latest fad. I don't really care if all the cool kids are doing it, it still looks stupid.
Believing the media. If it bleeds it leads, Nuff said.
Believing politicians. If you need this one explained, I got a bridge to sell you.
Cause Zealots. How the hell do you find time to protest things? Does your job give you that much time off?
Instructions on soda can pull tops. If you need instructions on how to drink a Coke, do you need to be breeding?
Famous activists. Just because you played the president in a movie, does not mean you know a damn thing about running a country. You are paid to entertain us, so shut up and act.
Drivers in Korea. After living in Korea for 2.5 years I can safely say you folks need to walk. (If you think I'm being racist saying this, come here and try driving. I dare you!)
Bush Derangement Syndrome. We get it, you don't like the man. Idiot cowboy or evil mastermind bent on world domination, pick one and stick to it. He can't be both. Nor is he responsible for every bad thing that happens.
Racism/Reverse racism. A friend of mine always says "Hating someone because of the color of their skin is stupid, get to know them and you'll find much better reasons to hate them.". Gotta admit that's pretty true. There is no such thing as reverse racism, it's racism. Hatred is hatred no matter how you slice it.
Socialized anything. It looks good on paper, but it does not work. Just like communism. Capitalism may be the unequal distribution of wealth, but Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.
Anti-gun zealots. Owning a firearm does not automatically turn you into a blood crazed killer, nor will it magically cause all crime to vanish. If you don't want to own one, don't buy one.
Censorship. Almost all electrical devices today have this neat little on/off button. If you don't want to see what is being shown push that button.
Thinking about the children. If you don't want little Johnny playing the violent video game or watching the things on tv, you're the parent do the job and see above response to censorship.
Anti-religion fruitcakes. Congratulations you're an atheist, quit trying to force your beliefs on others. (side note: The belief in nothing is still a belief)
Religious fruitcakes. Congratulations you're religious, quit trying to force your beliefs on others. (side note: Faith is a beautiful thing, it can not be spread at the point of a sword.)
Just how I see a few things