Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I've never.....

Introduced to a fun little drinking game last night, called "I've never". Basically you go around the group and say "I've never (insert some act here)" if some one in the group has done that, they drink.

Figured that would be a good topic for today......

Ive never:

Been to all 7 continents (been to 6, but Antarctica still eludes me)

Parachuted (not that fond of planes, so jumping out of one is not really me)

Been married (been engaged, but never gone all the way)

Been arrested

Seen my grandparents naked (most people reading this right now just had a very bad mental image that is going to haunt them)

Needed a safety word (they are for wusses anyway)

Defused a bomb at the last second, saving the day (my first response to a bomb is to get away quickly)

Just a couple things I've never done.


Anonymous said...

This is pretty cool...
Some things I've never ...
I've never had blowfish.
I've never been pregnant.
I've never had an operation.
I've never seen my paternal grandma.
I've never been arrested (either).

thanks, Eve

The Exception said...

That is cool that you have been to 6 of the 7. I would love to do that but have only done 3 of the 7 myself (so far). So when do you intend to do number 7!?

Seven Seas said...

Exception- No plans yet to hit number 7, but who know what life will bring?