Monday, October 16, 2006

Random thoughts on a Tuesday morning.

The post title sounds like it should be a R.E.M. song title.

Stupidity should be painful, if not outright deadly.

I hate election time, all the politicians start acting even more childish than usual.

It may be easier to beg forgiveness than to ask for permission, but it is more fun to do it and then gloat.

Some sage advise from the redneck side of my family:

-Never deep fry anything while naked.

-The worst part about shaving your balls, is the aftershave.

-When robbing a convince store and the cops show up, try to steal some money orders or a stamp machine. That way it is a federal offence, and those prisons are much nicer than state prisons.

Chuck Norris only has two speeds, stop and kill! (Thanks dueling analogs)

Some things I want out of life:
A nemesis
Enough money to have either henchmen or hired thugs


ChickyBabe said...

Aftershave? Frying naked?? I hope you didn't inherit those genes!

Seven Seas said...

Chickybabe: Naa, I know better than that. Always use shaving balm, and wear a apron *grin*.

Seriously I am the white sheep of the family. I have never dated a relative, I don't like NASCAR, and don't listen to country music (except for Johnny Cash).