Sunday, August 06, 2006

Yet more weekend discoveries.

There are a lot of cheap people here in Korea. I was at COSTCO and watched a woman take a plate to the hot dog condiments area, fill it with raw grated onion, add mustard and ketchup and chow down. There were many people doing the same.

Winning at trivia is fun. Winning at trivia against someone who gets mad (I mean really, steaming, brooding mad) when they lose, is even better.

Talking slower and louder does not help people, who do not speak your language, understand you.

High speed trains rock. It is cool to be speeding along at around 190 mph.

Yelling into your cell phone, in a public place, should be an caning offense.

Everyone loves puppies, especially in a light marinade.

Men are attracted to shiny objects (I have stated this before and it is still true). So if you are wearing a silver sequins shirt, don't get mad when I stare (honest, was looking at the sequins :D).


Scorpy said...

one of my pet hates is when I supervise the loading of our cargo onto bulk ships the ship's agent always talks in stunted syllables to the captain. I have told him that it does not help and makes them both look like idiots but he persists. I love beating a guy at work on anything to do with trivia...I swear he sits at home and swots up on usless info just to throw at me eahc morning (I caught him googling answers the other day - LOL)

ChickyBabe said...

Yelling into a cell phone on a bus should get them arrested!