Thursday, August 10, 2006

Time for another rant....

Well, I had originally planned to write a short piece about how good a time I had last night at a small birthday dinner some friends threw for me, instead let's address today's news. Since I am flying tomorrow morning (19 hour flight), I found this to be just peachy.

What do you hope to accomplish by attacking civilians? Are you hoping to make a political change? Are you hoping to scare your enemies into submission? Look at the track record, it does not work! You kill innocent people, more military heads your way. You hope to strike fear into the infidels, instead you piss them off and they send more military your way. You try to make the "evil western governments" bow to your will, instead they send more military your way. You claim to be a religion of peace (granted most of the Muslim people are just like you and me trying to make it through the day, feed their family, pay the bills, etc...), and you make war on non-combatants. You fight from behind women and children, the cry outrage when they are killed by accident (contrary to what the MSM shows, U.S. forces try to avoid killing civilians). You want the mean nasty people to leave you alone, QUIT ATTACKING THEM!! It's not that difficult to understand.

Half the liberals are slamming Bush, because it was not found fast enough. Hmm... Let's see, did anyone get blown up? How much faster do you want it? The other half of the critics say that it is all a plot to get his numbers up (God, some people should not be allowed to breed). You don't like the man, we get it. Stop the flip flopping view that he is either an idiot, or an evil genius. He can't be both, pick one and stick to it. Now, I wonder how long it takes the MSM to make the terrorist into the victim? I'm sure some photos have already been staged and photoshoped for this.

As you can probably guess, I am pretty riled up. I get to spend tomorrow on a airplane, now without any toothpaste, or deodorant. I will also be picked for the "random" extra security checks (something about a no criminal record, security clearance, veteran, with pork related last name that screams possible Islamic terrorist).

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