Friday, February 13, 2009

So the stimulus package is supported by economists?

Seems that the President's claim about economists supporting the Stimulus package may not be all that. This is from the Business and Media Institute


The Exception said...

It's a mixed bag. I have heard some economists say "something" needs to be done while others say that the cycle will occur whether anything is done or not. perhaps it is more that the government feels it has to do "something" (read anything) in order to work on the psychology of the consumer?

Seven Seas said...

Action for action's sake leads to folly.
If this bill was actually targeted on the problems that caused the problem we are in now, I would be in support of it. Instead we get handed a list of pet projects, a large portion of which will not even star for one or two years, and told if we don't pass this now the nation will fall. On top of this, the bill takes the 2010 census from the department of commerce and makes it answer to the White House. How does that stimulate the economy. This bill is a travesty that will begger our children and grandchildren.