Sunday, February 15, 2009

Electric Cars

In this age of Global Warming (or Man Made Climate Change) Alarmism, the electric car is reemerging. I am glad that this is happening, I for one would love a car that has instantaneous maximum torque (it's a guy thing). Unfortunately the technology is not really ready for a convenient electric car.

The range provided by these cars is very limited, the high end ones topping out at 220 miles (under ideal conditions) with a 3.5 hour recharge (using a Tesla Motors High Power Connector). This means that long trips are out of the question. The more affordable ones have a range topping out at 25-100 miles with 8 to 10 hour recharge times (with very limited carrying/towing weights). This makes them very impractical if you live in a rural environment.

Research needs to be put into development of improved batteries and fuel cells to make the electric car more feasible. Infrastructure also needs to be incorporated to standardize the battery/fuel cell shape and output. This would make it possible to pull into a station and change out your battery if you are running low on a long trip. Until serious development is accomplished the electric car will remain only in large cities, and playthings. I really hope that this will change, because I would like an electric car especially one that looks like the Tesla.


ǝıɥɔıɹ ƃuıʌɐɹ said...

Two words.
Chevy Volt.

Seven Seas said...

That's a good stepping stone between internal combustion (much more efficient than external combustion) engines and electric, but not the pure electric I want.