Monday, February 09, 2009

Empty Promises

Remember during the election how things were supposed to change. No more pork from the government, no more politics of fear, a new era of bipartisanship, total transparency, and no more underhandedness. First big legislation out of the gate pretty much broke all of those promises.

The "Stimulus Package" is horrendous. As I posted earlier, it looks to be nothing more than the hard left wish list for the last 40 odd years and paybacks for the people who helped the President get elected (look at all the nice things the Unions are getting).

A stimulus package should be targeted at making sustainable jobs and increasing economic movement right away. The current bill has the majority of it's money being used a year or two down the road. Any jobs created seem to be temporary, and directed at expanding the democratic party base. All through the election we were told how bad the housing market was, but yet only a fraction of the bill addresses that issue. But there is money for Digital TV boxes, expanding Broadband internet, global warming research (the Church of Man Made Climate Change or what ever they are calling it now that temperatures are dropping), and ACORN (they are making out quite nice on this one). No more pork, except Democratic pet projects (have Pelosi explain how condoms and pamphlets about STD's create jobs, again).

The bill was basically written by Pelosi and her stooges, opposing views were crushed or ignored. When it came before the House all Republicans and 11 Democrats voted against it, only Democrats voted for it. Somehow the Republicans were chastised for being partisan. Sooo.... 1 party voted for it and 2 parties voted against it, last time I checked bipartisan meant "2" parties. I guess by bipartisanship Obama means bend over and do as we say.

What happened to "Hope and Change"? Has it now become "Gloom and Doom"? We must pass the bill now, you don't need to read it, it must be now!!! America will fail unless we pass it now!!!! Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy will all be murdered unless you pass the bill now!!! Only the Federal Government can stop the world from exploding!!! This is just using a "Crisis" to push bad legislation down our throats, much like the "Patriot Act". Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

In the Senate three Republicans broke ranks to support the bill. Of the three, one was invited to watch the Superbowl in the White house with the President (the only republican invited, by the by). This same man was quite aghast when he was asked what it was like to be Wined and Dined at the White House. Wonder what he and his two friends will do with their 30 pieces of silver? The Mayor of Chicago (Obama's state) refuses to release his Stimulus project list. Other cities have wanted dog parks, and Frisbee golf courses (big job growth there eh?). But he is afraid he will be ripped into. So much for transparency and no underhandedness.

Wonder if the new President will keep any promises?


ǝıɥɔıɹ ƃuıʌɐɹ said...

Not being American I can afford to be pretty ambivalent about U.S. politics.
That said I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Most of we Aussies only see glimpses of what goes on through the 120 second of prime time news space allotted to such issues. Its good to see what a regular American bloke thinks of what's going on in his nation.

Just to help me get a handle on where you are coming from, you are Republican... right?
(I just learnt what that meant a couple months ago)

Seven Seas said...

I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I guess I believe in the Constitution, something neither one of them apparently does. I usually vote Republican due to my job, and they seem to be a little less sleazy then their counterparts. In my opinion both parties screw it up.