Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Life, love and other melodramatic subjects that make really bad country songs.

What is love? Some say it is that schoolboyish (being male, I have never really felt like a schoolgirl) reaction to a member of the opposite sex (or same sex, if that is what floats your boat) where the sun shines, birds sing, and cherubs fly. Others say it is that red hot passion that consumes your body, mind, and soul. Still others say that it is the purely physical act of reproduction. There seems to be as many different definitions as there are people. How can something so powerful, so many times, turn to hate?

As with love, such is life. Is it merely the physical act of living? Is there supposed to be a higher purpose? Is it an adventure? Is it pain, pleasure, happiness, or sadness? Or is it simply being?

Seems that both these are key to being human. We all walk our paths, never knowing where they lead.


ChickyBabe said...

I have trouble defining love. It's a strong emotion that envelops us and it's very difficult to break it down into parts and labels.

Seven Seas said...

This is true, emotions are hard to quantify. One of the problems with rainy days is becoming introspective.
But such is life.