Monday, December 01, 2008

Just leave it alone.

One of the things that strikes me most when watching all the "controversy" in the news is how easy it would be solve it all. Just leave each other alone.

Someone doesn't share your religious beliefs, mind your own life and let them have their own beliefs. Someone has a different sexual orientation than you, stop trying to "fix them" and get own with your life. Different political view, keep it to yourself and let them do the same. People waste so much time, energy, and emotion trying to justify their own views that they trample the beliefs of others. Be secure enough in yourself to let people disagree with you.

Gay marriage
Personally, if 2 men or women want to tie the knot, I have no problem with it. What 2 consenting adults do is their own business. What I do have a problem with is being told that people have to accept it. Forcing someone to accept your view is just as bad as the people who call it an abomination.

I consider myself a Christian. If you are a Buddhist, Muslim, Atheist, Pagan, or Trekkie that is between you and your deity. It is your right as a human being to believe or not believe as you see fit. Condemning what religion someone follows, or mocking them because they have a religion is intolerance at it's worst.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. I don't care what your political science professor thinks of George W. Bush. I don't want to hear a 30 minute regurgitated speech on how right or wrong a politician is. Getting overly emotional when someone has a different view on a question you brought up is childish. Let them have their views, and you keep your own.

All in all I truly believe that the world would be a better place if folks would leave each other alone.


The Exception said...

There is something to be said about letting people live their lives. If we start making too many ruiles, we are eventually going to find ourselves judged and limited by said rules and judgements. Live and let live...

ǝıɥɔıɹ ƃuıʌɐɹ said...

Good post.
I think I might use some of this to end those useless pub floor debates.

There is a problem with this line of thought though, it assumes there is no ultimate truth, no best way to do anything, indeed, even live.
(whoh, too many commas)

Just thought I'd throw a spanner in there. :)