Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Rough week, but at least I'm working on my patience.

This has been a brutal week so far. Most of this is due to going to the dentist. I had a check up last week and found out I need 2 root canals, no fun. The Korean way of doing dental work is quite different from what I am used to in the United States. Instead of going in one day and having everything done that day, it is stretched out over a month or so. Tuesday I had the drilling done, and the temporary fillings put in. Next Tuesday I have my first root canal and temporary filling put back in. Next Friday the second root canal takes place. The following week they start working on the cap for the teeth.

On the up side, the dentists here are state of the art. The price is also less than half of what it is in the States. Just gotta get over how long it takes.

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