Sunday, June 29, 2008

Upholding the Constitution

The gun ban in Washington D.C. has been overturned (a day late and a dollar short, I know). The Supreme Court Of The United States has done it's duty to the people. There are many who disagree with the decision, just as there are many applauding it. The bottom line is that the SCOTUS upheld the Constitution and it's protection of all the American people. I hope this is a trend that will continue, until all our rights are restored fully.

The Constitution is a simple document, it was written that way for a reason. I think the founding fathers understood that all citizens need to know as well as understand what their rights are, and simple words are harder to twist into new meanings.

It does trouble me, that while we have these "rights" we are told that they must be limited for the public good (i.e.. free speech) . A right is something that can not be stripped away, to me the public good would be better served by protecting the rights of the citizens not limiting them.

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