Sunday, February 10, 2008

Self worth

Not really sure how to begin this one so I'll plunge right in. A friend of mine has been in a depression for a while, and it stems from how how she sees herself. She is a beautiful, intelligent, and selfless person. Everyone who knows her loves her almost instantly. Then came the boyfriend and the breakup. It had nothing to do with her, the guy was in it for the fun and left when he got tired (yep, big part of me wants to kick seven kinds of hell out of him). He has moved on, she is left in a deep depression (she fell really hard for him). Talking with her, she keeps wondering what she did wrong and what is wrong with her. This is a hard one, wish I had something to say or do that would help her. So for now guess I'll be the shoulder when she needs one (story of my life).

1 comment:

The Exception said...

Why is it that we always believe that it is because we aren't good enough or pretty enough or "whatever" enough when we fall head over heels for the wrong person? It is difficult to understand that you have done nothing - that it was the other person and a mismatch of wants or even just bad chemistry. She is fortunate to have you as a friend.