Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bringing politics to the politicless...

Well, that was a fun explanation. Just spent the last hour explaining the differences in the US political scene to folks who have no base reference. Definitely one of those subjects that it is very difficult to explain with out putting your own bias to it.
This branched from one of my Koreans asking me who I would vote for in the Presidential election. They thought that it was Hillary running against Obama. Guess it shows the political leanings of mainstream media when people watching it for the first time get that impression. Personally I don't back either party, I feel that both have sold out the common man for the extremist backers. I would absolutely love to see a Constitutionalist party, but that is neither here nor there.
From there the conversation transitioned over to the differences between Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Let me tell you, explaining the difference between communism and socialism to people who speak only a smattering of English is loads of fun.

1 comment:

The Exception said...

I love comparative politics!

I taught EFL in Prague when the Czech Republic was splitting. It was interesting to work directly with the future leaders of the new Czech Republic. Having spent most of their base years under communism so their undersanding of the changes that were taking place etc were fascinating.

Fortunately, they spoke more than just a little English!