Thursday, February 28, 2008

Best headline today

Study: Spanking May Lead to Risky Sex

Reealllyyy? And here I thought it was part of the risky sex.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Politics as usual

With the election coming up the question of "Is there anyone worth voting for?" comes to mind. Seems like every four years it gets worse. Mud slinging, hit pieces in the news, and all around childishness from both parties. Even the candidates themselves are lackluster. No real issues addressed just empty promises of "We'll do it better than them.". It would be a Godsend to see a candidate that actually had merit, rather then trying to decide which is the lesser of evils.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blah day

One of those days at work. Don't wanna be here, and don't want to be bothered with the job. I think we all get days like that, but the day is over soon. As always I really want a beach, some rum, tropical temperatures, and crystal clear water. Oh to dream

Monday, February 18, 2008

New gadgets

Men love gadgets. Inside even the most stoic man is a little boy whose face lights up with glee as he surveys a new shiny gadget. The only time this is a problem is when the new toy is expensive and the little boy takes control. Hence the new television I currently possess.

Yep, gotta work on that impulse control.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Tomorrow she returns, as with all things there is more too it than I am saying. Regardless, right here and now all that matters is tomorrow I will once again look into winter blue eyes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bringing politics to the politicless...

Well, that was a fun explanation. Just spent the last hour explaining the differences in the US political scene to folks who have no base reference. Definitely one of those subjects that it is very difficult to explain with out putting your own bias to it.
This branched from one of my Koreans asking me who I would vote for in the Presidential election. They thought that it was Hillary running against Obama. Guess it shows the political leanings of mainstream media when people watching it for the first time get that impression. Personally I don't back either party, I feel that both have sold out the common man for the extremist backers. I would absolutely love to see a Constitutionalist party, but that is neither here nor there.
From there the conversation transitioned over to the differences between Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Let me tell you, explaining the difference between communism and socialism to people who speak only a smattering of English is loads of fun.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Self worth

Not really sure how to begin this one so I'll plunge right in. A friend of mine has been in a depression for a while, and it stems from how how she sees herself. She is a beautiful, intelligent, and selfless person. Everyone who knows her loves her almost instantly. Then came the boyfriend and the breakup. It had nothing to do with her, the guy was in it for the fun and left when he got tired (yep, big part of me wants to kick seven kinds of hell out of him). He has moved on, she is left in a deep depression (she fell really hard for him). Talking with her, she keeps wondering what she did wrong and what is wrong with her. This is a hard one, wish I had something to say or do that would help her. So for now guess I'll be the shoulder when she needs one (story of my life).