Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The shootings at Virginia Tech, was a tragedy. A lot of students dead due to one kid's dementia. Turn on the television and you get bombarded by reporters and experts, all showing mock concern as they try to turn this horrific act into a political weapon. Once again I am sickened by how the media tries to cash in on sorrow and death.

Who is to blame? This seems to be the mantra nowadays. Is it the fault of the firearms, the state, the school, the parents, the rich kids, video games, rock and roll, the government, who? Why were actions not taken? In all the whys and who's one thing keeps bugging me, why is the shooter not the villain? In every news report and article the shooter, to me, seems to be made just as much of a victim as the people he killed. Why is he not held responsible for his actions? Many other people have hard lives, and manage not to go on a killing sprees.

1 comment:

Scorpy said...

Mate you have hit on one of my greatest HATES about the modern media...the fact that they want to BLAME someone and now it is endemic across the populace with everyone forgetting about the shotter and blaming the police or religion or the fact that this kid was a foreigner!!!