Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The passing of time

Looking through some old photos today, I was struck how much time had passed since I took them. Friends that I have not spoken to in years, family members that are no longer here. Seems kind of odd that as a youth time drags, and as you age it passes faster and faster.


Mia said...

I suspect its something to do with the fact that at 15 years old, a year passing was 1/15th of your life where as at 30 the same year on the diary seems to pass twice as fast as its 1/30th of your life.

Rhian said...

i remember hearing that when i was young and thinking, "yeah, yeah, right, right" and rolling my eyes, not understanding HOW traumatic it is when you suddenly can feel the draft as time rushes past. Now i blink and somehow i missed summer, fall and i'm heading into the tail end of winter. I try to blink slower - doesn't work.

ChickyBabe said...

I think our awareness of time is different when we're young. It's already February, where did the time go?