Thursday, December 28, 2006

Twas a few days after Christmas...

Well Christmas has come and gone, and New Year's is just a few days away. I hope that everyone has had a nice holiday. My own is kinda mixed. I got some really good gingerbread cookies from Hong Kong yesterday :), but was in a auto accident the day before (my post about driving in Korea is quite factual). Saw the new James Bond movie, but found out a close friend had to spend Christmas taking care of her sick mother and got nothing for Christmas :( (everyone needs something for Christmas, so I went a picked her up a little gift).

New Years is looking good, throwing a party at my place. Got the booze, snacks and assorted party needs, even managed to secure some Jell-o (a rarity here) for "Jell-o shots". Champagne is a nogo though, average of 50 bucks a bottle for bottom of the line.

Have a great New Year's all!


ChickyBabe said...

Have a fabulous NY with the Jello shots!

Vanilla Vodka jello is to die for! :)

Seven Seas said...

Using the Vanilla vodka with the peach Jello, the Coconut rum with the strawberry and mixing scotch and regular vodka with strawberry and cherry to make a "Dragon's breath" shot.