Monday, August 18, 2008

Trying my hand at a chocolate fondue

10 ounces of bittersweet chocolate
3/4 cup of milk
2 tablespoons of unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Various cubed fruit for dipping

Heat mixture to a nice liquid consistency and serve

Add friends, music, and wine

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Watched "Wanted" last night, was sorely disappointed. The story was basically gutted to make it more palatable. I can understand leaving things out for run time, as in the Harry Potter movies, but this was an almost complete rewrite. I am really hoping that "Watchmen" stays true to the plot.

Sadly these rewrites are not just in the movies, if you want real scary look into the history books in the schools today. How much of our past do we have to rewrite to make it palatable? Wonder whose plot they will write it to?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

3 things that have my geek meter pegging out.

Yep, my inner geek is doing back flips. Watchmen, in particular, has me salivating.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

More proof that Darwin was wrong.

"Where is everyone?"
"They are away for the exercise, I am the only one here."
"Really? What about Mr. Jerry?"
"He is away at the exercise, I am the only one here."
"What about Ms. Sook?"
"She is at the exercise, I am the only one here."
"What about Mr. Fred?"
"He is at the exercise, so is Raul, I AM THE ONLY ONE HERE!"
"Oh, ok what about Mr Raul?"

Survival of the fittest my fuzzy pink bottom.

Where does the time go?

Seems like yesterday I was just getting to Korea, now it is 3 years later. Hard to believe that it's been 10 years since I left the Navy, and 16 years since High School. It's funny how quickly time passes. Until now I have not realized how long ago I was just a boy growing up in Georgia, It really doesn't feel that long ago.

As a child you long for the days when you will be an adult, and as an adult you lament the passing of the frivolity of youth.