Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The reason I'm not allowed to carry a bat...

I stand waiting on my sub watching the democratic presidential candidate tell me I should learn Spanish, instead of immigrants learning English. I mutter and shake my head.

"You should be happy, he'll be our next president. It makes sense, Japan teaches it's students foreign languages." drones a totally unsolicited voice.

I look over into the glazed eyes of a zealot.

"First off, I could care less what the Japanese do. Secondly, I did not ask for your opinion and will not be voting for him." I snap, and turn back to waiting for my Pastrami sandwich.

"Well, you're just a racist."

"Well, you're just an idiot. Now piss off."


The Exception said...

You were called a Racist because you don't agree with one of those guys running? That is just silly and ignorant and stupid!! I am sorry but if this elections becomes an issue of race, we have huge issues in this country. It, has, nothing to do with race!!

I am all about learning other languages, but believe fully that people who live here need to speak English fluently.

Anonymous said...

Heck, my 11 year old was called a racist because he said Obama sucked. The idiots are coming out of the woodwork.

Seven Seas said...

Definitely getting tired of this double standard. Personally, the color of a man's skin has never really mattered to me, a man's character does. Yet, I am told that because I am white that not voting for Obama makes me a racist. Never mind the fact his voting record is about 180 out from my beliefs, in his attempt to sway votes he has turned his back on many of the hard left that got him nominated (not a good trust builder there), and that I don't think a senator that has not completed his first term in office is ready to lead the free world.