Sunday, March 23, 2008


"4000 dead milestone reached"

The words seem to echo through the cafeteria. The anchorman goes on with mock solemness, repeating the phrase and echoing how no progress is being made. A panel of "experts" comes on, and with smug self righteousness, explain how the conflict should never have been fought and how it is the fault of the current administration. The one dissenter on the panel, is quickly singled out and brow beaten into submission.

The temperature of the room drops. I glance at one of the soldiers sitting at the tables around me, his eyes locked on the television screen. Silence descends on the room, for a few seconds a pin drop would have been deafening. The muttering starts from the different tables.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Bet that guy has never seen the sand."

"Way to celebrate our deaths, bastards."

"Fuck them, they don't know a damn thing."

"Leave it to the media, nice to know how much they value us."


Seems, a good many of the people actually doing their part don't hold a pessimistic view on Iraq. Then again they are not "Experts", they have only been there in the conflict. I find it sickening that the deaths of service members are being used for politics. How dare anyone tell them that their sacrifice has accomplished nothing. Damn all the politicians, experts, and reporters that try to cash in on the blood of these men and women.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The above passage is at the center of a major supreme court case at the moment. The way the justices rule will give pretty broad precedent to the way the United States Constitution is interpreted.

Washington D.C. has made it illegal to own a handgun or own a functional rifle or shotgun for the last 32 years. This measure was enacted in the belief that it would reduce/end violent crime, woefully it did not. The law in question is now before the Supreme Court of the United States, on the grounds that it violates the Constitution.

There is much argument over the meaning of the Second Amendment, whether it it provides the individual or the state militia to own firearms. My personal opinion is that it provides for the individual, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed. To me the Washington D.C. firearm ban, is completely unconstitutional.

It's going to be interesting to see how the court rules on this issue. It will also be interesting to see how this ruling affects rulings on the other amendments.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Back to home port

Well, just got finished with another adventure. This one took me to China to celebrate a friend's birthday. A good time was had by all, and I return to Korea laden with gifts for various friends here. Curious when my next adventure will be and where it will take me.

I also have changed my rule about not wondering what is in the food I am eating when abroad, of course this is after seeing the entree "Ox penis on a hot plate" on a Chinese menu. Yep, there are some parts of an animal that even us southern boys won't eat.

Monday, March 10, 2008

So be it

Let's see...
Steaks are marinating,
Potatoes are mashed,
Mushrooms are sliced and ready to be grilled,
Good bottle of wine,

Hmm... not here yet, lemme give her a call. No answer.

45 minutes later...

Lemme try again, no answer.

Fine, another mistake I'll not make again.